Week 6_post 2_Og Mandino, Unity, & Carole King, converge in me

I believe in God. The more I live and learn about myself, the more I believe in this God permeating my every fiber and not some big ‘Man’ up there in the heavens somewhere. I also believe that this God has a sense of humor to be contended with… Trust me, I like funny, but when I am the brunt of it I sometimes find it hard to take. I also believe that the more I work at mastering my mind, the more fun and gentle the guidance can be.

On this occasion, the guidance was gentle and heartwarming and the convergence came in my meditation only a few minutes ago.

I attend the Unity Center and this Sunday the guest singer sang ‘Beautiful’ by Carole King. I know the words by heart (why do we say we know things by heart and not by mind???) and I love this song so I’ve been singing it non-stop since then. And this week, we’ve moved on to scroll 2 which theme is Love.

“You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You’re gonna find, yes, you will
That you’re beautiful as you feel”

Isn’t THAT the truth?

Isn’t that what we’ve been leading up to for 6 weeks?

Does this sum it all up? Did my subby find this for me?

It’s added the musical component for me as I am a singer and love learning to music.

As a matter of fact, since last week, I’ve been working on a little surprise to help everyone get a bit of their index cards woven in their day without even noticing, so stay tuned!

2 thoughts on “Week 6_post 2_Og Mandino, Unity, & Carole King, converge in me

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